A Toast to the Common

A toast to the common

Everything we eat, even ramen

And cars and houses

And kitties and mouses

Cafes are great places to meet

With a friend and something sweet

I appreciate my comfy bed

And all the books I still haven’t read

Music really does bring us peace of mind

Perhaps even makes (some of) us kind

All around us most of the time

Are objects both ordinary and sublime

Few of which we make with our own hands

Many made in foreign lands

By workers toiling night and day

Often for very little pay

And somehow these things great and small

Can be found at a local store or gigantic mall

As I continue to live and breathe and take up space

I would like to offer thanks and grace

To all those unseen who endlessly labor

Far away or perhaps a neighbor

My life is mostly filled with ease

Due to the effort of these

Who do the work deemed “essential”

Each of them consequential

When I lay awake at night

Wondering if the world will be alright

I always appreciate the work of those folks

All those woman and children and blokes

Your work does not go unnoticed

To all of you, we are all devoted

When Love Meets Hate

Once upon a time, love met hate

It was on an arranged blind date

Those with open hearts

Hoping for some fresh starts

Convinced that if hate could hear more from love

Thinking a change might happen; well….sort of!

And love, though reluctant, would listen to hate

And maybe hate might deviate

From previously held false notions

And misplaced devotions

Hate would mostly not be moved

And soon enough self-excused

But love believes they will meet again

Though love does not yet know when

But love believes in its own power

And grows stronger by the hour

Love has pledged to never quit

And every day will recommit

Till we all can join hands and embrace

With a smile on every face

Feeling loved, every one

And all that is under the sun

Yes, it can be and it will!

Because every one of us has the skill!

Dear All Creatures Great and Small

And, of course, humans and the rest of you all

Here’s a postcard from inside my head and heart

Showing what I would like to help start

World Peace One

Which can be achieved without a single gun

Look over there and see everyone eating

And there are a bunch of people reading

Notice the happy animals grazing

And look at those sunrises and sunsets….just amazing!

See the love spread all around

To every soul that can be found

Up in trees, on the earth and underground

This is such a beautiful place

You should come; there’s plenty of space!

For everyone, there is plenty of food

No reasons to fight or feud

Lots of fun

For everyone

Every person and creature is happy

Absolutely nothing is crappy

There are roofs over every head

Everyone has a warm and comfy bed

Everyone can be exactly as they choose

All can win; no one will lose

No one wants to cause harm

All of us are filled with charm

And all of us have love to give

And we all want all of us to live

However we choose

All can win; no one will lose

So, I hope you will come to this beautiful land

I open my heart and my hand

The world can renew

It just takes a few

We’re waiting for you!

Weird Wisdom

Can less really be more?

There has never been a civil war

Sad smiles and icy hot?

What’s next…. a thoughtful bot?

The sound of silence; is it there?

If I listen, can I hear?

Awful good


Also makes no sense

Like absent presence

Can one man

Be a band?

Cool passion and freezer burn?

Is it possible to “un”-learn?

I guess it’s all old news

So much of it, I guess, falsely true

Or truly false

I’ll just keep the smelling salts

So I can keep on going

Even with all this weirdness in my knowing….

Silly ending, yes, I know

But, anyway, now I’ll go!


To stop working

May find you smirking

Your days are yours

Plenty of time to do your chores

But also time to be outdoors

Your now own your time

And doubtless this is mostly sublime

To stop violence

To end the silence

About war and hate

It is never too late

We can find peaceful ways

And have enjoyable days

If we open our hearts filled with love

Happiness will be everywhere, below and above

To stop trying for perfection

Will leave more time for self-reflection

To be perfect will make you crazy

And reality will become hazy

Take a deep breath and know you are good

If you are who you are, you will be understood!

Fish That Sing in the Moonlight

If fish can sing in the moonlight

Harmonizing with the night

So maybe I can bring a swing

To almost anything

I hope to inspire

Everyone I love to go higher

Light the world with well-contained fire

Of this, I will never tire

It is so important to maintain hope

And to keep possibility within sight and scope

Even when the future looks dim

And we only seem to see the grim

I try to remember

To light that ember

Of possibility

Of world-wide gentility

If fish can sing….

Then what else is possible?

Anything and everything!

If you can bring it to mind

All of our efforts combined

May well change the world

Let’s give it a whirl!

Surreality is Real

To write a poem as surreal prose

Leads me to this question I will now pose

What we may say is surreal these days

Is just reality covered by haze

Whatever is on the news

Comes from many perspectives and views

Some makes sense and seems to be real

Other stuff is nonsense which continues to exponentially congeal

Who can tell for sure what to believe

When we all suspect “they” are trying to deceive

There are liars and weirdness and nonsense from cults

Anyone who says such things must be one of those dolts

It is so easy to reject

And everything is pretty much suspect

So when it comes to surreal writing

Just say anything and expect lots of fighting

Because if any one thing might surely come to be

Is that we will always disagree

Maybe some days things will change

But until then, the world remains very strange

Love That is Platonic is Also Supersonic

Everywhere it can be found

Chocolate may be the object of your affection

As a particularly enticing sweet confection

Or maybe it is the beauty of flowers

That seem to awaken all of love’s powers

Nature brings us endless beauty

Looks like a cutie

And often is very fruity

I also love to look at the ocean

Its endless tides a sort of soothing potion

And the sun provides a daily show in the morning

With the bright colors of each day’s dawning

And when the sun each evening goes to sleep

Its setting leaves shades of those colors to keep

And I also love to talk

With friends, at a café or while we walk

Music can awaken a sense of passion

And also instill compassion

Which is never ever out of fashion

I have always loved to draw and sketch

And begin each morning with a good stretch

I love to think and deeply reflect

And hope that all the world can learn to love and respect

Everyone on the planet

From A to Z, the entire gamut

There is nothing more beautiful than love

Often symbolized by a snowy dove

Who sails all the lands

And I hope will be greeted with open hearts and hands!

Love is always beautiful, romantic and platonic

And always brings hope that is supersonic!

It Can’t Happen Here, or Can It?

Sinclair Lewis wrote “It Can’t Happen Here” in 1935

Of governmental disaster that we would not survive

And now it’s been 89 years

Many of those long-ago fears

May still catch some of us unawares

But I still hold out hope and even belief

That even in these times of widespread grief

All remains possible, even prevailing peace

And all violence finally cease

I know there is much to do

The world needs me and all of you

It can happen here

And there and everywhere

But the best is always possible

If we work together, we will be unstoppable

A Window

A window is an ocean

It may have a similar motion

In showing moments as if in a cage

A moment in time, as on a page

Or perhaps thrusting forward like a sword

But playing music as a chord

Emanating from a flute

Serious or perhaps just cute

Out the window are trees, elm, oak and cedar

Kids playing following the leader

But most of all windows bring us possibility

Of looking at the world and taking responsibility